Yesterday Reiko and I went to see the movie "Da-ring wa Gaikokujin" (My Darling is a Foreigner). "Darling" is based off of a popular Japanese graphic novel series which details the life of a the Japanese author, Satori Oguri, and her American, Language Geek, husband.
The series has many parts but the movie takes place as Satori is struggling to become an illustrator and begins dating her future husband Tony. Tony speaks very good Japanese but puts himself in some hilariously awkward or embarrassing situations. In one such instance he abruptly introduces himself to Satori's parents as her boyfriend at Satori's sister's wedding, and later when another guest jokes with the new groom Tony asks why he would say such terrible things.

At the wedding Satori's father tells her that he doesn't approve of their relationship. Satori doesn't tell Tony about it and the climax of the movie comes when he is sent to the hospital and later dies of a heart ailment. Just before he dies he apologizes to Tony, and it turns out that he bought some English language books figuring that he should try to meet Tony half way if Tony and Satori's reltionship was serious.
The movie was cute and though I don't really like the obvious comparisons that can be made between Tony and Satori and Reiko and my relationship, I thought the movie was a really nice way to spend our Sunday afternoon. I'm glad Reiko invited me to go see it.
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